SSL Crawler
How does it work?
Discover all the SSL certificates of your customer's websites and convert them into your revenue!
No Charges !
Scan an unlimited number of domains!
Free scan report & analysis!
This new feature is coming soon in Partner Central!
Submit a list of domains and generate a report for each domain's SSL status:
- Active
- Expiry Date
- Expired
- Wrongly Installed
- Number of Sans
- Cert Type
- Issuer
- Cert Brand
What can you do with this info?
Understand your customers better to come out with effective marketing campaigns
- For customers who are using paid SSL certs, convert them to purchase from you.
- For customers who haven’t setup SSL certs, upsell them to grow SSL cert sale.
- For customers who are using free SSL certs, focus your campaign messages on the hassle of renewal every 3 months, and how paid certs can help.
- For SSL certs that are expiring soon, remind customers to renew and offer them a competitive SSL cert replacement program at an attractive price.