Feng Shui, Digitalization and Technology


While it may seem like a stretch, there are actually some interesting connections between Chinese Feng Shui knowledge and the current trend of Business Digitalization, Renewable Energy, Technological booming (ChatGPT; Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Big Data; Cybersecurity; Cloud Computing; Computer Science; Blockchain Technology).

In Feng Shui, the concept of Wu Xing (五行), or the Five Elements, plays an important role. These elements, which include Wood木, Fire火, Earth土, Metal金, and Water水, are believed to be the fundamental building blocks of the universe. Each element is associated with a particular set of qualities and attributes, and the goal in Feng Shui is to achieve balance and harmony between them.


Fire sign associated businesses

One way to think about the relationship between Wu Xing and digital products is to look at the element of Fire. Fire is associated with qualities such as passion, creativity, and energy, and is often seen as a symbol of transformation and change. Entrepreneurs and business owners need to be able to tap into their creativity and passion to stay ahead of the competition and keep up with the rapid pace of change.

Fire is not something tangible that can be touch, in the context of businesses, here are a few examples of industries related to Fire:

Technology: The technology industry is constantly evolving and transforming, much like the element of Fire. It requires passion, creativity, and innovation to stay ahead of the competition. Some examples of technology businesses related to Fire include software development, gaming, and cybersecurity.

Virtual: With the rise of virtual and augmented reality, businesses that are related to Fire can take advantage of this trend. Virtual events, meetings, and experiences can help businesses to transform and innovate in this digital age.

AI and Machine Learning: The use of AI and machine learning technologies in businesses is becoming increasingly common. These technologies require creativity and passion to develop and use effectively. Some examples of businesses related to Fire in this area include predictive analytics, natural language processing, and chatbots.

Biomedical: The field of biomedical research and development requires passion and creativity to make breakthroughs in the medical field. Companies that are related to Fire in this area may include biotech startups, medical device manufacturers, and pharmaceutical companies.

Internet & Digitalization: The internet has revolutionized the way we do business, and it continues to transform industries across the board. Businesses that are related to Fire in this area may include e-commerce platforms, social media networks, and online content providers.

Renewable Energy: Solar or biomass energy represent the transformative aspect of fire, as sunlight and organic materials are converted into usable energy. The passion, innovation, and drive required for the renewable energy industry’s development align with the Fire Element’s qualities.

San Yuan Jiu Yun (2024 – 2043)

Another Feng Shui concept that can be applied to the world of digital business is that of Jiǔ Yùn, 九运. Jiǔ Yùn is a system of cyclic energies that are believed to influence human behavior and events over time. This period is considered to be a time of rapid technological advancements and innovation, with a focus on the development of new technologies such as AI, robotics, and big data.


The technology and digital field have become a popular and potentially lucrative investment area. This could result in investors and companies allocating more resources and capital to the technology sector, driving the development of the technology industry.

From a business perspective, understanding the cycles of Jiǔ Yùn can be helpful in predicting trends and making strategic decisions. By paying attention to the energy of the current year and how it interacts with your business, you can gain insights into where to focus your efforts and what opportunities to pursue.

Interesting Finding: Elon Musk’s Bazi

Another connection to Chinese Feng Shui knowledge can be found in the birth chart, or Bā Zì, of entrepreneurs Elon Musk. Bā Zì 八字is a system of Chinese astrology that uses the date and time of a person’s birth to determine fate and destiny. Elon Musk was born on June 28, 1971, which makes his Chinese zodiac sign the Pig. His BaZi or Four Pillars of Destiny chart indicates that his Five Elements are primarily Fire and Earth, with a secondary Metal influence.


As mentioned, Elon Musk was born under the sign of Fire, which is associated with the qualities of passion, creativity, and transformation. In Chinese astrology, the birth chart is made up of four pillars, each representing a different aspect of a person’s life: the year pillar, month pillar, day pillar, and hour pillar. Each pillar is associated with one of the Five Elements, and the interaction between these elements can provide insights into a person’s personality, strengths, and weaknesses.

For instance, in Elon Musk’s birth chart, the year, month, and hour pillars are all associated with the element of Fire, indicating a strong presence of this element in his personality and destiny. This is consistent with his reputation as a passionate and creative entrepreneur who is always pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

Here was the reference from a Hong Kong Feng Shui Master 李應聰風水命理for further reading. Disclaimer: Though we do know Elon Musk was born on June 28, 1971. However, without the exact birth time, it is not possible to 100% accurately estimate his BaZi chart.

Feng Shui and the current digitalization trend

So, how do these Feng Shui concepts tie into the trend of business digitalization? One way to think about it is that digital products, such as domain names, SSL certificates, premium DNS, Microsoft 365, Alibaba Cloud, Document Signing Certificate, VMC, and so on, can be seen as tools for harnessing the energy of the Five Elements and Jiǔ Yùn to drive business success.

By using these digital tools to create a strong online presence, improve website security and performance, and enhance communication and productivity, businesses can tap into the energy of the universe and achieve greater harmony and balance.

In conclusion, while the connections between Feng Shui and digital business may not be immediately apparent, there are some interesting parallels to explore. By paying attention to concepts such as Wu Xing and Jiǔ Yùn, and by leveraging digital products in the current digital environment, businesses can achieve greater success in the ever-evolving landscape of digitalization, e-commerce and Industry 4.0.

Feng Shui, Digitalization and Technology 1

Author: Chan Kang

Feng Shui, Digitalization and Technology 2

Designer: Jackson