.ME – A Domain That Redefines Personal Branding

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What is a .ME domain?

.ME domain is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) of Montenegro, a European country located near Italy. It is a country that has magnificent mountains, beautiful beaches and breathtaking sceneries. .ME was first introduced in the year 2007, and it is now one of the top 20 ccTLDs with the most domain name registrations in the world. The General Availability of .ME started from July 2008. Within 48 hours, the first 100,000 domains were registered! “ME” is used in many different languages, such as English, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Bulgarian, Serbian, Croatian, Portuguese, and many other languages. It can mean a lot of things in all these languages, which is why it is a popular domain extension around the world.

Check out our .ME Anniversary Promotion!

Who can use .ME?

.ME is open to the public, and anyone from anywhere is able to register for a .ME domain name. No restrictions are applied on the registration of .ME, and it is similar to any other generic Top-level Domains (gTLDs). The public sometimes even think that it is a gTLD, but the truth is that it actually is a ccTLD.

.ME is suitable for all individuals and organisations who wish to stand out in the crowded landscape of the online world. It offers an unconventional way for them to highlight their personal brand, and helps them to gain more attention. If your customers are seeking to differentiate themselves from others, recommend them to choose .ME! Help them to personalize their blog, their brand, their business and their website! .ME is a domain extension for everyone!

Why choose a .ME domain name?

.ME can help your customers to create a powerful personal brand for themselves. “ME” literally means “I”, which sends out a strong message and feeling of personalization. It is ideal for service providers who want to personalize their offerings to their individual customers, and to connect with them on a more personal level.

.ME is also perfect to be used for call-to-action (CTA). The online world uses a lot of CTAs to encourage users to act, and they are an important part of selling and communicating online. .ME adds an extremely meaningful context to CTAs, and sends out a more powerful awareness to users to take action, such as “Call.ME”, “Message.ME”, “Ask.ME” and many other more CTAs.

.ME is a trusted domain. The people behind .ME is serious in their mission to help individuals and companies to build up their brands. They are passionate in making business personal, as well as protecting the extremely meaningful “ME” domain. They are committed and stay true to helping and protecting .ME domain owners, by checking .ME domains for abuse on a daily basis.

.ME is also SEO-friendly. Using a .ME domain can help websites to rank better on Google’s search results. Many people are familiar with .ME domain and trust .ME domains, as they know it is operated similarly to other gTLDs, such as .COM, .NET, .ORG. Google ranks .ME domains the same way as it ranks other gTLDs, helping website owners in their SEO.

Renowned global brands which have chosen .ME

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Register .ME domain with WebNIC

WebNIC is an accredited registrar of .ME ccTLD. We are an officially recognized registrar by the government of Montenegro and the registry behind .ME, which is DoMEn. We provide .ME registration service to all our partners to help you in offering .ME registration to your customers. The good news is, we are now running our 20 years anniversary promotions, and .ME is on offer! Check it out by clicking the link. Email us at inquiry@webnic.cc if you need more info on registering .ME.

About WebNIC

WebNIC is an accredited registrar for ICANN, and various countries including Asia, Europe, America, Australasia, and Africa. With offices in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Beijing, Taipei and Jakarta, we serve 5,000+ active resellers over 70 countries. To join us and become a reseller, live chat with us or email us at inquiry@webnic.cc.