Who is ICANN?
ICANN, known as Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers, is a NGO that helps to maintain the security of the Internet. Anytime you register a domain on the Internet, you go through a domain name registry or registrar, who pays a small fee to ICANN to get your domain registered under your name.
Domains are sold by registrars. There is no single registrar that handles over all domains. These registrars can charge their reseller or end users whatever price they want for a domain, but each registrar has to pay a set per-domain fee to the appropriate registry in which the domain is being registered.
However, if you wondering why not all reseller or end users purchase directly from ICANN or become a registrar to sell to other partners or end-users. This is because ICANN has an accreditation rules and regulations to those who want to become an accredited registrar, only certain registrar that fulfil ICANN’s accreditation program requirement will be certified to become an ICANN accredited registrar.
What is ICANN Accredited Registrar?
An accredited Registrar is an organization that sells domain names to their resellers or end users, like WebNIC. A recognized well-known Registrar usually have the ability to offer some TLDs (Top-Level Domain) such as .com, .net, .org, and ccTLDs (Country-Code Top-Level Domain) such as .uk, .my, .ca, .au and so on. These domain information is maintained between registries and registrars.
Summarize from above, every domain is maintained by registries and registrars. It is very important when the publics want to select an accredited registrant because it depends on the variety domain extensions options and their after-sales service to registrant.
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