A Brief Background of New gTLDs
New gTLDs are becoming more and more popular with each passing minute. Since they were launched back in 2013, the response for New gTLDs has been very positive. It is an initiative by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), with the aim of expanding the domain name system, while reducing the saturation that is happening with legacy gTLDs such as “.com”, “.net”, “.org”, “.biz”, and “.info”. ICANN hopes to enhance innovation, competition and consumer choice through the introduction of New gTLDs, and as a result the Internet got a whole lot bigger and more interesting.
How is New gTLDs Doing Now?
At present day, there are approximately 1200 New gTLDs available, and the number of domains registered using them comes close to 27 million. This is a remarkable feat, considering that New gTLDs are launched only 6 years ago. On average, ICANN has increased the domain name system by 200 per year, and 4.5 million domains were registered using New gTLDs per year. This is a solid proof that they are well received by the public, and it is not hard to see why, because New gTLDs bring many benefits to the registrants, regardless of whether they are individuals or businesses.
The Benefits of Using New gTLDs for Business
Here are 5 benefits of using New gTLDs for business.
1. New gTLDs help increase branding opportunity for businesses of all sizes
It is known that to register for a desired “.com” gTLD now is an extremely difficult thing to do. It is difficult in the sense that many domain options have been taken and it is challenging to think of one that is suitable for the registrant’s needs. This is especially true for small businesses, which are unable to secure their preferred “.com” domain, as most of them are already registered.
For example, Sean has a small delivery business and wishes to register a domain. It is possible that seandelivery.com has been taken and he cannot register for it unless he spends a lot of money to buy it over from the current owner. This is where New gTLDs can come in helpful for Sean. He can look for alternative TLDs such as “.delivery” for his domain. A sean.delivery domain fits Sean’s need perfectly! This is why with the introduction of New gTLDs, the chances for businesses to find the perfect domain is better than ever.
This also provides a possibility for businesses to be creative in establishing their branding, increasing their opportunity to brand themselves the way they preferred. With approximately 1200 New gTLDs available, businesses can enjoy the endless possibilities to register for fun and interesting domains, and also brand themselves in a way never possible before.
This is why businesses should use New gTLDs for their domains, as they increase branding opportunity for businesses big and small alike. Read here if you are unsure how to choose a good domain name.
2. New gTLDs provide improved clarity for a website
The advantage of New gTLDs over legacy gTLDs is that it improves clarity for users to instantly understand what a website is related to and in what industry. It happens very often that when a user visits a website with legacy gTLDs extension, it can be quite difficult for him to identify what this website is about.
Unless the website’s brand is a history-rich and a well-known brand worldwide, it is most probably we will not be able to identify the industry of a website with legacy gTLDs in first glance, like what does this brand do and what industry is it in.
New gTLDs take away this problem. The audience knows what to expect just by looking at a website’s URL using New gTLDs and becomes more curious to learn more. The increased clarity level enables businesses to send out a strong message beforehand, providing the audience a general idea about their services and products.
New gTLDs also help them to gain perspective and understand their audience better, and provides a big boost to help them hit the mark when looking for new target customers on the Internet. The many choices of New gTLDs help businesses to identify and push towards the right niche. Businesses can generate authority within their respective niches and hit their target audience with a certain exactness.
A high clarity website URL, which is easy to understand and presenting a right message, helps a business to generate authority in its niche and provides a better chance to attract the right target audience. This is why businesses should use New gTLDs for their domains. Unsure what to pay attention when choosing a domain name? Read here.
3. New gTLDs help brands to grow and expand
New gTLDs offer opportunities for brands to pivot for growth and expansion, helping a successful brand to maintain its strong presence across different New gTLDs. The advantage to this is that the brand can expand its growth to a different venture, without having to mix up with its core business.
For example, say your local gym brand is a huge success and is looking to diversify its services or offerings. Adding them to the existing website might not be recommended as the website might become too heavy, or the new services might not be related to its core business.
This is where New gTLDs shine, as they are a feasible method for the gym brand to use the desired domains to expand its growth into different sectors, while maintaining its strong brand presence. The brand might want to expand into supplying gym equipment, then abcgym.equipment is the perfect domain. Or the gym expands into fashion, then abcgym.fashion is a great domain that suits this particular need.
New gTLDs also offer opportunities for brands to expand into a non-English language market. This is because New gTLDs are available as Internationalized Domain Names (IDN), domain names which are not in ASCII characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9). Brands can take advantage of this and expand into foreign markets, presenting themselves as a local brand, which is usually preferred by the locals.
New gTLDs enable new and exciting marketing opportunity for businesses, offering potential growth and expansion, and that is why using New gTLDs is beneficial for businesses. Here are some tips to choose a great domain name!
4. New gTLDs leave a memorable and lasting impression
A successful business always leaves a strong and lasting impression for its customers, and New gTLDs can contribute to this, too. A good domain name is short and memorable, and it is recommended for all businesses to register for such domains. This is because they are able to get recognized easily by customers and they are easy to be typed in the web browser. After all, no one wants to type in a long domain name which is difficult to remember.
On another hand, to get short and memorable domain names with legacy gTLDs is obviously quite difficult now, since most of them are registered already. However, New gTLDs do not have this problem, at least not as apparent as the legacy gTLDs, and it is relatively easy to find a desired short and memorable domain name using New gTLDs. This important factor will definitely help businesses to score well in impression and memorability.
New gTLDs also allow businesses to upgrade their web address to be more creative and descriptive, showcasing their creativity and personality. This helps businesses to improve awareness and impression, an important factor for a successful business. The wide choice of New gTLDs also provides higher chances for businesses to find a more specific domain extension that suits them, and probably reduce the length of their website URL for increased impression.
New gTLDs can definitely benefit businesses in terms of exposure, awareness and creativity. It is a great opportunity for businesses to use New gTLDs to keep up and remain competitive in this new creative strategy. So, how should you choose a great domain name? Read here.
5. May help in SEO and search engine ranking
New gTLDs might help in SEO and improve search rankings. Although there is still debate whether New gTLDs are beneficial for a website or not, ideally it would be better for businesses to lock their desired New gTLDs domain first. The reason is because Google changes its algorithm quite often and there is no telling whether Google will soon favour New gTLDs or not. It would not hurt to register first, just in case Google surprises all of us!
Another possibility that New gTLDs are ideal for search engine, is that a website using them tends to create more attraction and curiosity, possibly resulting in higher visits. The number of visitors to a website is also a ranking factor, and with increased visits, Google might just identify a business’ website as a trusted and reliable website and ranks it higher. This indirectly boosts the website’s SEO and search engine ranking.
New gTLDs also help in identifying with a local community. Most of them are pretty specific, such as geolocation New gTLDs like “.london”, “.taipei”, “.vegas” etc. Is a business providing design services in London? Then tell potential customers this at a glance with abcdesign.london. Is a business offering marketing services in Taipei? Use abcmarketing.taipei. In the future Google might do wonders for domains like these, since it spent $25 million to acquire .app back in 2015.
It is still early to determine whether New gTLDs will provide a positive effect for SEO and search engine rankings. However, it is always better for businesses to lock in their desired domain name first. Just in case, Google surprises us, at least the business is already on the wagon. Advise your customers to quickly go and register their desired New gTLDs domains, and here are some tips to choose a great domain name.
It is an exciting time now with the availability of New gTLDs! They provide huge branding opportunities for all businesses, allow the audience to understand a website at a quick glance, provide a chance for brands to grow beyond their core offers, leave a strong and lasting impression for the audience and can indirectly boost customer engagement for the benefits of SEO. If there are any businesses not on the New gTLDs wagon yet, they better hurry! With so many benefits, it would not be a mistake for businesses to use New gTLDs for an exciting time ahead!